"Dr Kate is friendly, approachable and extremely knowledgeable on all aspects" - Ross

I have been on a couple of Dr. Kate's training sessions for CPD as well as EMDR for Hypnotherapy Course.

I think it only fitting to leave a review that reflects exactly what you will get when on a Dr. Kate course and that is Five Star Service.

Dr. Kate is friendly, approachable and extremely knowledgeable on all aspects. Her way of teaching appeals to all levels and before ending each section she will make sure that everyone understands and has a chance to ask questions to further understand.

All the courses that I have been on have been in my opinion very well planned out and even factors in time to actually practice what you have learned there and then, rather than just being lectured at all day and going away with a bunch of knowledge, not putting it into practice as I have had with other trainers.

Ross Passingham

Read original review on Trustpilot: trstp.lt/Leqde1la5


"I attended the EMDR for Hypnotherapist 2-day workshop and really benefited from it" - Ophelia


"I would definitely recommend her as a supervisor" - Kim